Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Walking Memory

Today I've had a few brilliant ideas I sure as hell wanted to add to my Ultimate List. I was on my way to lesson (for those of you who don't know, at the moment I teach English, what a blast, eh?), the afternoon sun was slowly about to start setting (it was actually a bit of a gloomy and chilly day, but hey, this is my story, why do I live in Greece if I can't rub it in your faces, right?) and for once I wasn't listening to any music and one after another, the most brilliant ideas started flooding my head.

I was in a really good mood and a bit of a hurry and since they were such a great ideas and there's no way I could forget them, I didn't really stop to write them down. Which, my friends, turned out to be a major mistake, since now, when I finally got home, the only one I can remember is about re-reading my high school textbooks and finding out what of what they hold I've ever really used in my life.

Anyway, I'll still add that one to the list, but at least this whole experience made me realize a few things.

First of all, it seems when listening to music my mind goes blank. I mean, I sing or whistle along, of course, but other than that, the lights are on, but no one's home.

Secondly, walking really helps me to think. To be more specific, it gives me an opportunity to use the grey matter, unlike so many other daily activities (TV, PC, teaching small kids and so on, which is basically how I spend my time these days). Nothing groundbreaking, I know, but after I got home and started wondering what to call this post, I googled up "walking memory" and ho!, it turns out I wasn't very far from the truth, as showed, for instance, by BBC (article is here).

So, for all of you who spend too much time every day just sitting around, get up and get out and walk, walk, walk! It's for your own good ;)

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