Thursday, July 21, 2011

The "ME" Year

So, I am finally back from my month on the road, home in my snug little flat in one of the nicer southern suburbs of Athens. The season is over, for me, at least, and I'm ready, as ready as I can be, to finally take this show on the road... Let the "ME" year begin!

The last couple of weeks have been, surprisingly, very productive (if productive is the right word to use here). I have actually managed to move on with both the "going on 30" and "ultimate" bucket lists, taking giant leaps and small steps at once, and life is goooooood.

First and foremost, the complicated relationship situation is finally resolved (although it actually resolved itself, in a way). I am single now, and all better for it. After three years of giving and giving (or, more accurate, giving up and giving up pieces of me and my life), the push came to shove and I was dumped...

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or anything, the moment I found out (turning on Facebook and seeing I'm single, one morning), I felt relieved.

I have been contemplating the future of this relationship for months now, especially since it kept on failing to fulfill one of the most basic and fundamental purposes of pairing up with another fellow primate of the given species (besides procreation): sharing available resources, manpower, abilities and skills in order to increase chance of survival in the hard, cruel and ever changing world we live in.

I have to admit, my feelings are little bruised, since I do feel that I was discarded like an accessory, soon to be replaced by another, more fitting model, but c'est la vie, that's just ego talking.

To be fair, I still feel that I've got enough out of this experience, although not the way I expected. All the numerous small and big lessons, learning a lot about myself along the way, are priceless. This I say without any trace of irony.

As an afterthought, with just a pinch of bitterness, I'll say this. My dear friends, girls and guys alike, beware an insecure man! 

On a side note, referring to my ultimate bucket list, I have shaved my head, the very first time in my life and I love it. Of course, when I saw myself in the mirror right after, I realized I might resemble a concentration camp survivor, but hell, now I'm used to it, ladies and gentlemen, I'm HOT ;)

You can see that at least my ego didn't shrink...

1 comment:

  1. Love the bald head and though finding out your long term relationship is over on facebook sucks a are single in a beautiful country where they appreciate good looking'll be just fine. :)
